Sunday, October 10, 2010

Making it official...

My friend, John Corripo, has a bucket list of 200 items.  He challenged me to make one too, and come up with 50 items.  Sounds easy doesn't it?  No, it's not!  I got to number 8 and got stuck.  

Totally stuck!

I now have 32.  I promise I'll come up with 50.  I may even do more.  

Here are some of my rules.
I reserve the right to add, delete and change my list whenever I want.
The items on my list must mean a lot to me.  I've received a lot of great ideas from friends, but a lot are things that I think sound 'cool', but not that would really mean a lot to me. 
There is no time frame for me to complete these items, but I hope to be continuously working on items.
I will post and update-with pictures-when I complete and/or am working on items. 
I can add, delete or change my rules whenever I want.

I have one item on my list (#1--the bone marrow match-I realized that the number could change b/c I have it listed in ABC order)  that I have absolutely no control over.  Should it be on my list...probably not...but I don't's my list and I'll do what I want!  So there! :-)

To be continued....

Feel free to comment with suggestions for my list!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I still need quite a few more entries but I'll get there! I may do the sprint with you. Let me think about it. I'd really like to do it in a lake setting I think...but I may need to just give in and go for the ocean! Yikes!
